JAN 2013
Some believe the single greatest threat to mankind is man himself. Or so Richard Wilson Dale, newly elected President of the United States had thought until the insanity of a blood-soaked land half a world away reached out and forever changed his life and his presidency. More importantly, it galvanized a nation – united in mourning.
One of Russia’s renowned Russian microbiologists, Dr. Gregory Zhenya, has created the perfect killing machine: a doomsday virus lethal enough to inflict death on a biblical scale. Its code name is Messiah, and like the second coming of Christ, its arrival would signify the beginning of the final Apocalypse.
When a series of unexplained deaths begin to arrive on America’s shore, the President is forced with imposing Matial Law to quarantine the contagion rapidly spreading across the country. Like it or not, the President must unleash the world’s most powerful military in a bold effort to stop a madman. His only resource is to put American fighting men and women in harm’s way. Always, there is a price to be paid. As always, the people who pay it aren’t necessarily the ones who owe the debt. For this is their story... the story of modern day heroes.